Adding Access Groups in MaxProCloud (Video)

Creation date: 3/6/2023 10:26 AM    Updated: 3/6/2023 10:39 AM    access control maxprocloud mpa2 netaxs video

Permission Group

Permission Group is a set of doors and areas associated with schedules, which creates a permission set which can be allocated to individual people. Doors from different controllers can be included in one permission group. Each person can be allocated one or multiple permission groups in their credentials page. Shared permission groups can be created which can be available to allocate to people from multiple organizations. This is useful for when a shared or common area of a building is being controlled. For example, a common canteen in an office block can be accessible through a shared permission group which is then added to users form all the companies in the building which use the same canteen.

To create a permission group

1. Open the sidebar and then select CustomersThe Customers page appears.
2. From the list of Customers, click the desired customer.
3. In the right pane, click View OverviewThe Overview page appears.
4. In the left pane, click Permission groupThe Permission Group screen appears in the middle pane

5. Click the plus sign, the Create Permission group screen appears.
6. In the right pane, type a name for the Permission Group.
7. Select a Site.
8. Select the Doors.
9. Select a Schedule.
10. Click Save to save the permission group.
