Create Video Analytics Rule

Creation date: 4/25/2023 11:20 AM    Updated: 4/25/2023 11:35 AM   analytics rule video

Overview Video Analytics continuously scans a property and sends a notification when a person, vehicle, or animal is identified. Advanced detection rules enhance perimeter security by sending alerts when someone is coming or going, or even loitering on the property.

With Video Analytics, enhanced notifications are sent with thumbnail images showing people, vehicles, and animals. Advanced detection rules can also be used to draw virtual tripwires across driveways and virtual fenced-in zones for a property. Email and text notifications can be sent whenever events when the following occurs:

  • A vehicle pulls into the driveway/parking lot or a person walks up to an entrance
  • Anyone loiters in a specific zone of a property
  • A person or vehicle is identified outside a business after-hours
  • A pet jumps up on the sofa or enters an off-limits flowerbed
  • A child leaves the yard or someone drives off at night

Video Analytics can spot what is important, even if there is a lot going on.


  • A service package that supports Video Analytics.
  • One of the following video cameras:

Camera setup

Video Analytics operates by tracking a target’s feet or a vehicle’s wheels. Verify that the camera is clearly facing the ground or floor of the area being monitored.

Camera placement

Position the camera 8-16 feet above the ground.

When the camera is repositioned, recreate all of the rules and recalibrate the camera if the camera supports calibration. For more information about which cameras must be calibrated, see Calibrate a device for Video Analytics.


Angle the camera downward between 30°-60° and keep the horizon line level.

This angle provides an ideal field of view while avoiding clouds and trees. Video Analytics is designed to work with an angled-down perspective; not horizontal, and not top-down.

Video Analytics scans the frames where the bottom of the screen is the ground and the top of the screen is the area above the ground (e.g., ceiling, sky). Video Analytics performs best when the camera's sideways tilt is no more than approximately 10 degrees. 

  • Left image: The camera is angled properly.
  • Right image: The camera is tilted sideways too much and accuracy may be reduced.

Targets should be closer than 25 feet from the camera (15 feet at night).

The entire target should be visible inside the camera’s field of view.

Camera location

Video Analytics detects objects and classifies them as people, animals, and vehicles. Position the camera with a view that can see important activity from people, animals, and/or vehicles.

  • Overlooking a driveway/parking lot
  • Overlooking a front porch or wherever packages are dropped off
  • An area of interest around a yard or lot
  • Indoor entryways, exit ways, or hallways of interest

Not recommended

  • Areas with constant or uninteresting motion (e.g., roads with regular vehicle movement, trees constantly swaying in the wind, etc.)
  • Pointing cameras out a window because screen reflections interfere with Video Analytics performance

Be aware of any bright lights (i.e., motion-triggered floodlights) near the camera that may attract insects or affect exposure and IR settings. Mount the camera in such a way that a vehicle’s headlights do not shine directly into the camera.

Avoid reflective surfaces (i.e. overhangs/eaves, walls, etc) that will reflect IR lights at night and make it difficult to see objects further away as reflective surfaces become overexposed.

Video tutorials for creating a Video Analytics rule

Use a Tripwire rule to capture movement through a specified area. Use a Ground Zone rule to capture an object lingering in a specified area.

Trip Wire Tutorial:

Ground Zone Tutorial:

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